Multiple Publications Accepted At MSR 2022

We are pleased to announce that we have multiple papers accepted at MSR 2022. The accepted papers include one full research paper and two mining challenge papers.

Technical Track:

Code Review Practices for Refactoring Changes: An Empirical Study on OpenStack - Eman Abdullah AlOmar, Moataz Chouchen, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer, Ali Ouni

Mining Challenge:

An Exploratory Study on Refactoring Documentation in Issues Handling - Eman Abdullah AlOmar, Anthony Peruma, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer, Christian D. Newman, Ali Ouni

Refactoring Debt: Myth or Reality? An Exploratory Study on the Relationship Between Technical Debt and Refactoring - Anthony Peruma, Eman Abdullah AlOmar, Christian D. Newman, Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer, Ali Ouni

Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer
Assistant Professor of Software Engineering Department

Research interests software refactoring and quality.